duminică, 20 decembrie 2009

Baby it's you

As I sit here listening to this song (the cover the Shirelles did and then the cover this model Maria Antonia did, so ditsy) I wonder if I'm a badass.
I wonder if having boredom written all over your face can be equivalent to it. But I feel like someone that's antisocial in the pretty way i.e. breaking windows, playing with lipstick on the mirror, drinking kerosene and just about every stupid thing in the book.
Because mushiness gets to me and sometimes it doesn't - like what's up with that? I'd like to be a frilly wuss, but no, sometimes I play into the casual badass part. Which is really easy to do.
Just act all pissed off when you're alone, for no reason. And be excited for the following day when you'll be turning into a half-assed version of Calamity Jane. Or just when you go back to being all mushy.

By the by, Lily Cole is a goddess (the girl to your left, my left anyway.)

vineri, 11 decembrie 2009


Am ajuns acasa, pe pat langa telefon si am auzit niste bazaituri. S-a rupt o scandura si am cazut prin podea. Oricum, tot am adormit. Ce conta o cadere cand urmau altele mai zgomotoase?
Am vazut maini si unghii rosii iesind de sub plapuma, cine stie in capul cui am cazut.
Telefonul a sunat, am apasat un buton si s-a auzit vocea cuiva.
- Tu ai papuci de casa?
- Da.
- Cate perechi?
- Trei.
- Nu ai vrea patru?
- Pentru ce?
- Pentru a patra persoana.
- Cine?
- Cea care va veni. Sigur va mai fi o a patra persoana.
- Cum va arata?
- Ca un felinar.

marți, 1 decembrie 2009

You'll take to the sky

Summertime, and the living is easy.

I miss the beach, if you can believe that, but I only miss a part of it, the part with the blue towel left on the sand and some seagulls.
Now, if my name were Zoey, I'd feel more comfortable on that beach, but as it is, I'll just look through a window. Which is the worst thing; watching the beach through a window, but what can I do?
It's dry.
Is there time for the beach when I have so much driving to do?

luni, 23 noiembrie 2009

where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?

Meh. Wonder what the fleas think of us.
That song from Toto is very inspiring. The one with Africa.
I don't like clothes with catchphrases, you neo-Nazis with no goddamn balls!
Depression Valley ----

sâmbătă, 14 noiembrie 2009

Life is a party

In seara asta am iesit din casa cu gandul ca petrecerea nu va iesi. Nu stiu de ce. Doar totul era pregatit, totul era in regula, eram doar obosita. Dormisem putin ca de obicei.
Cand am eu presimtiri de genu' "asta o sa fie nasol" de obicei iese extraordinar, sau cel putin foarte bine.
Si asa s-a intamplat si cu petrecerea. Au fost oameni si oameni, pe care nu ii mai vazusem pe la majorate alte dati, toti adunati pentru o singura colega. Si am fost destui. Toate micile probleme cu muzica, mancare, nu mai stiu ce, s-au rezolvat imediat.
Colega a fost foarte emotionata de gest, toata seara a zambit continuu si s-a simtit in al noualea cer (ne-a multumit de mii de ori). A fost o atmosfera calda, conversatii placute, mici incidente, momente de "togetherness" si cred ca a fost cel mai reusit majorat din clasa, dar poate exagerez. Cred asta pentru ca totul a fost facut pentru ca o fata sa se simta fericita de ziua ei.
Si e unul din acele gesturi care fac viata mai luminoasa.

joi, 12 noiembrie 2009

Sugar Town

Cuz I'm in shoo-shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo-shoo...

Apple juice is necessary, cigarette smoke sucks big time.
And I just know spoilt brats are actually charming.
Oh and I hate blood tests. The needle is terrifying.

sâmbătă, 7 noiembrie 2009

Dancing with Myself

Eating great apple cake made by my one and only mum and studying and writing and listening to a song about all these things or just Dancing with Myself.
So...wherever I am, I'll be dancing with myself. with the music all in my head.
Because there's no need to be a boring adult

marți, 3 noiembrie 2009

Nu este prostie

Tacerea ta imi impune. Ceea ce ai tacut, Tristan, inteleg, si tac tot ceea ce tu n-ai priceput.

Citate ca acestea care trebuie citite de vreo patru ori pentru a putea fi intelese bine ori ma deprima, ori ma fac foarte multumita. Intelegerea vine dupa ce ai renuntat sa mai intelegi. Este foarte adevarat.

luni, 2 noiembrie 2009

And then there's the pretty girl, she's the angel's dove, she flies as hungry as the wind, she can never stand still so when you catch her in a photo she will disappear. Many have cried after her and many have yearned to touch her gentle fingers that have grazed half the universe.

sâmbătă, 31 octombrie 2009

De ce nu se scriu carti despre catelusi care se joaca in iarba din fata casei? Cand merg prin librarii si stau cu orele si ma uit la carti, nu vad nici un caine pe coperta. De ce multi scriu despre sinucidere, femei care si-au pierdut iubitii si intelectuali expulzati din societate? Temele astea au farmecul lor si imi plac, dar as vrea sa citesc ceva despre un catel care se joaca in iarba.
Autorii nu pot fi simplisti astazi pentru ca deja nu au incredere de sine si se straduiesc sa invete viata cat mai mult, intrucat nu mai au timp de asa ceva. Incearca sa soarba totul intr-o picatura, sau invers, sa disece firul in saispe, dar nu mai pot sta pe peluza matusii imaginandu-si ca vor scrie despre cainele ei.
Si eu uit sa scriu despre catei. O faceam cand eram mica, dar asta nu e subiect de copilarie.
Am vazut totusi o carte despre gandurile unui caine. Deci speranta nu e pierduta total.

marți, 27 octombrie 2009

Miss Jones

I'd like to be a plump blonde woman in her thirties, wearing a bunny suit and drinking like a fish.
I'd like to stuff myself with croissants in the morning and eat rancid cheese at midnight.
I'd like to wear granny panties and buy cheap souvenirs that I trip on around the house.
I'd like to laugh after reading the Bell Jar.
I'd like to have see-through shirts.
I'd like to eat turkey curry.
I'd like to fantasize about strange men that are complete and total fuckwits.
I'd like to be a terrible public speaker.
I'd like to smoke while I'm waxing my legs.
I'd like to cook atrocious food.
I'd like to run naked in a paddling pool.

Gotta love Bridget Jones. She's the best role model a girl could have.

luni, 5 octombrie 2009

Crappy Fantasy

I want out from everything, leave me alone I want my rest. If there's no one here that's fine, I'd like to trash my thoughts, they don't mean a dime, I'm having memories go blind. And English is stupid cuz you can't write something deep, which I guess is good cuz depth is shit. But still, why can't I say stuff that means more? That's the language, not me. Let's have seizures and pray they'll last long because only when you're acting out you're really yourself, cuz that's your inner desire, to be a total attention whore.
So all you little songs that talk about this girl that's so indie and so "uplifting" so unprejudiced, such a strong believer, such an Alice in Wonderland, such a friggin Audrey Hepburn, let me tell you this:
whatever you do, whatever you preach all girls do the same, open their legs and hope they look good doing it. So don't try to say that Lyla or Lucy or Annie or Carol or any of these washed up ladies know a thing about humanity.
And yeah, I'm not saying this cuz I'm better. I'm saying this cuz I don't like it.
Stop trying to make us feel cleaner, you alternative bands. It does not work.
Better tell us we're drowning in our own decadent beauty and we love it, just like we don't love anything.
I wanna live in a pomegrenate.

joi, 1 octombrie 2009

Words won't last forever more

Strugurii se leagana in vant si e o banca mica si un gard si un tipat undeva in fundul ierbii si nu imi amintesc casa cu peretii galbeni pe care am scrijelit cu creionul tot felul de nume, mai ales Veronica sau Loredana. Mi se pareau nume frumoase si as fi vrut sa ma fi chemat asa.
Nu imi mai amintesc casa si atunci nu stiu cine statea acolo dar in vale (caci via se intindea spre o apa, o baltoaca mai mare care mie mi se parea capat de tara) se jucau doi baieti cu un caine. Am alergat spre ei dar ei tot fugeau de mine si nu vroiau deloc sa ma primeasca in jocul lor. Am aruncat cu pietre dupa ei si a sarit colbul ca un val de apa sarata si mi-a facut fata cenusie si negricioasa. M-am urcat pe o buturuga si m-am uitat dupa ei cum au sarit in apa si s-au scufundat in adancuri. Si nu i-am mai vazut venind la suprafata. Am crezut ca s-au inecat. Am ramas, uitandu-ma in zare, cu miros de vin sec in urma mea.
Si tot nu imi amintesc casa, dar poate e mai bine asa.

luni, 28 septembrie 2009


Most of all I'll miss a pot. It's a green, gray one and it's everything beautiful for me, though maybe not as special for someone else. We put it on the window sill so the creme-brulee could cool off.
If it ever fell from the window sill I'd fall with it.
The only good thing in this world is a pot and that pot lives forever.

miercuri, 19 august 2009


The apple is yellow,
because circles grow in trees,
it's all a letter M.

sâmbătă, 8 august 2009


If you reach a dead-end, remember that there's always a way up.
Only you can mount the scissors without cutting yourself.
But once you're half-way up, I'll just push you away and then my scissors will grow again...

vineri, 7 august 2009

Wolf and Red

I met her on the corner of Hooters and Burger King. She was leaning against the street lamp.
I got out of the car and asked for her ID.
'You a cop?'
'What's in the bag?'
'Cakes for grandma.'
But I know Little Red is Riding.

Princess who kissed the Frog

Time to be sensual and get down in the well. Who ever comes out of there?
I've dropped a golden ball; it twists and turns and it's so fun.
My daddy gives me gilded things to repress my memories.
Five steps:
1. Denial: You can't get my ball.
2. Anger: Wanker.
3. Bargaining: I got two legs.
4. Depression: You don't have two legs!
5. Acceptance: I don't need the ball.

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily's feeling kinda bad tonight.
She's surrounded by men and pointy arrows. Not to mention every sock hangs in a tree. God, doesn't it feel bad not to have a god?

Nah, worst part is she's part of Pan's dream...but he's part of another girl's dream.
So...who's in Tiger Lily's dream?

Snow White

Snow White should have stayed half-dead.
She'll grow old with the prince, on a horse.
She'll have babies and get wrinkly.
She'll think she has inner beauty.
If she stayed under the glass, she'd see what I meant. She'd never grow old and she'd never think about moral things. She'd be my kind of woman.